Kohno & Co. , IP firm since 1976



Founded in Tokyo in 1976, and with nearly 40 years experience in wide-ranging IP matters, Kohno & Co. has established a deep-rooted reputation in its field. Our strength is providing guidance in every aspect of IP matters including patents, trademarks, designs, and copyright, with professional care to suit particular needs of our clients. 


By regularly participating in major international events, such as the INTA Annual Meeting and APAA General Assembly, we have developed a strong network with IP firms overseas. 


Domestically, in recent years, we have expanded our range of services to include specially-tailored private seminars in IP related issues for both individuals requiring information in the field and for professional practitioners. We believe that this aspect of our business will serve to enhance general interest in IP matters. 


We would be pleased to assist you with your IP needs in Japan.